
Painting the Driver Side

The bottom driver side - I've decided to paint this side yellow as it's my least favorite color on the Rubik's cube - looks damn good against the black though...

I knew getting a nice round edge next to the driver was going to be tough - I played around with ideas for a few days before I settled on a method I thought I'd try. Turns out it didn't work, I knew I was going to need something round that I could use as a guide to make the driver cutout into the colored squares. By sheer chance, I own a clock that happens to be the exact same diameter as the driver - worked as a perfect guide for that nice round edge. It's really the only way, I also tried free handing before clocking - the tape and the results weren't nearly as good.

Now back to v1.0 of the legs I mentioned earlier. My original design called for these legs to be attached via T-nuts into the tiles. As i was saying, the weight of the sub by now is around ~120 lbs. After attaching the legs and seeing the wobbly T-nuts i knew these things weren't going to stand a chance. After flipping it over and nudging it, 2 of them ripped out without effort. Despite matching the funky theme, I made the decision to swap them out - only 2 design changes during building - not too bad.

The attached T-nut that later ripped out, ha


YourHumbleHost said...

T-Nuts are supposed to be inserted into a through hole on the side opposite your attachment. Then the force of tightening draws them tight to the wood.

Of course, this violates the sealed integrity of a speaker enclosure so you need to plan for dealing with that. I used them for mounting large drivers in speaker projects. Later I just chose to use threaded brass inserts.

Zachary Paisley said...

Your point is taken; the reason i didn't construct that way however, was because the screw thread on the top of the leg wouldn't reach through the 3/4" MDF (and I'd have to counter sync through the tile). With the tiles each glued down firmly, I knew if anything had to be changed I wouldn't be able to remove them. I chanced it by hammering it to the surface. Regardless, the leg wouldn't have held either way...

I do recommend them for attaching drivers as you mentioned...

Tidefan88 said...

T-nuts and hurricane inserts from Partexpress are excellent choices for mounting driver and feet on woofer enclosures. Especially if they are seated properly. Awesome project Zachary. My hat is off to you my friend.